How is Fallopian Tube Sterilization Reversal Done?

How is Fallopian Tube Sterilization Reversal Done?

Did you have your fallopian tubes tied as a birth control measure? Have you changed your mind and want to conceive? There is a procedure to untie your tubes safely so that you can get pregnant. This procedure is called fallopian tube sterilization reversal or tubal ligation reversal. Read further to understand what are the factors doctors consider before the procedure and how the reversal is done.

Factors to Consider Before Doing the Reversal Procedure

Just like any procedure, doctors will consider a couple of factors before undertaking the fallopian tube sterilization reversal procedure. The following are some of the factors:

  • The type of procedure you went through to tie your tubes
  • The length of your fallopian tubes
  • Your age and reproductive health
  • If you were pregnant before undergoing the surgery
  • If you have had any other procedures or surgeries

How is It Done?

The aim of the procedure is to reconnect the fallopian tubes as it was before the surgery. If your doctor has considered you fit for the procedure, you will have to do a couple of blood tests and a physical exam. Usually, the reversal process takes about 4 hours.

The procedure is done via a laparoscope which will be used to examine your fallopian tubes. If the tubes seem fine, the doctor will make a small incision to untie the tubes with the help of the laparoscope and other instruments. You don't have to worry about pain as you will be given general anesthesia. Once the tubes are untied, the cut will be stitched up. After the surgery is successful, you will be asked to visit again in 3 months so that the doctor could examine if your fallopian tubes are working right or not.

Will the Procedure Treat Infertility?

When women undergo this procedure, the chances of getting pregnant are high as their fallopian tubes are now healthier. However, it will again differ from person to person. Your age, the health of your reproductive organs, and the presence of scar tissue are some factors that determine your chances to conceive.

If you are planning to get the procedure done, it is better you get it done from an experienced doctor, as the doctor's expertise also determines the success of the procedure. Another alternative to the fallopian tube sterilization reversal is in vitro fertilisation (IVF).