If a woman complains of irregular or no menses, painful menses, or chronic pain in the pelvis, chances are she might be suffering from cervical stenosis. This is a condition where the cervix is either too narrow or completely closed, blocking the passage between uterus and vagina. Cervical stenosis can be a genetic issue or can occur in the later stage of a womans life.
One of the most common causes of cervical stenosis is a previous surgery of the cervix done for some diagnostic purpose. For Example cervical biopsy done for cervical discharge or abnormal paps smear. Doctor will remove a small piece of cervix which when heals can result into scaring and cervical stenosis.Other causes of cervical
Cervical stenosis often results in the accumulation of blood in the uterus (also known as hematometra). This causes inflammation of the uterus and other complications. In another condition called pyometra, pus accumulates in the uterus and this occurs in women as a result of endometrial or cervical cancer.