What is CETROTIDE and why it is used in fertility treatment?

What is CETROTIDE and why it is used in fertility treatment?

Irregular ovulation is a common cause for infertility. In such cases, medication may be used to trigger ovulation. Cetrotide is one such type of medication. This belongs to a class of medicines known as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists. It is one of the newer fertility medicines to have been developed and has become a popular choice because of its high success rates and easy administration.

Use of Cetrotide in Fertility Treatment

This medicine is given to women undergoing in-vitro fertility treatment in order to prevent premature ovulation. Cetrotide regulates the functioning of the pituitary gland. This gland is responsible for the production of hormones that stimulate the growth of an egg, its development and release once it is mature.

When a woman is undergoing IVF, the release of the egg needs to be prevented so that the mature eggs can be harvested directly from the ovaries.  Cetrotide controls the secretion of the luteinizing hormone that starts the ovulation process and blocks the effects of GnR Hormones. In this way, it controls the development and release of mature eggs from the ovaries.

Cetrotide Advantages

Unlike earlier medications used to prevent premature ovulation, Cetrotide does not have a "flare phase". The medication starts suppression hormone production in the pituitary gland almost as soon as it is administered. Thus, it does not need to be started much before other fertility medication. In most cases, it may be Administered for less than a week. This also means that fewer doses of Cetrotide are needed for one cycle of treatment.

How is Cetrotide Administered?

Cetrotide is administered through injections. It is usually injected just below the skin of the lower abdomen. The ideal spot is a few inches below the navel. Since the injection must be taken daily, most doctors advise administering it on alternate sides of the abdomen to prevent soreness. The dosage required varies from one woman to the next and depends on many factors including body weight, overall health, other medications being taken, etc.

Side Effects

Cetrotide has mild to moderate side effects. This may include headaches, nausea and bruising, itching and inflammation at the injection site. These usually go away on their own. Serious side effects are rare. However, if you notice any of the below mentioned conditions, be sure to immediately bring it to the notice of the doctor:

  • Allergic reactions such as breathing difficulty, hives or swelling of the tongue and mouth

Always take medication after consulting a doctor.

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