Blastocyst Culture and Transfer
Blastocyst Culture and Transfer

Blastocyst Culture and Transfer

Blastocyst Culture Implantation

In a conventional IVF treatment cycle, embryos are transferred to the uterus within 2 or 3 days of insemination. The term blastocyst culture refers to an embryo that is artificially developed in the laboratory instead of inside the woman’s womb. Blastocyst culture significantly increases the chances of pregnancy, especially in couples who have had repeated IVF failures. This is because most embryos transferred in conventional IVF may not have the quality to develop into a blastocyst in the womb.

By carefully monitoring the embryo past its blastocyst stage, our experts can pick the most viable ones and implant it in the womb. Also, the number of embryos transferred are lesser than in conventional IVF, thus reducing the risk of multiple pregnancies.

Who it is for?

  • Women who have had previous IVF failures
  • Women who have a large number of embryos and require the healthiest to be selected

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Frequently Asked Questions

IVF was initially developed for women who had obstructed or missing fallopian tubes, and it remains the preferred method in these cases. It is also utilised when other conditions exist, such as male factor infertility, endometriosis, and unexplained infertility, where no underlying cause of infertility can be identified. Our professionals will analyse your medical history and direct you to the most appropriate therapy and diagnostic tests for you.

Yes, definitely, vitrification of eggs and embryos has proven to be beneficial because it increases the survival rates of eggs and embryos and improves overall pregnancy rates through IVF.

Yes, several successful pregnancies have been achieved using vitrified embryos or eggs. The rate of success is comparable to those obtained with fresh eggs or embryos.

Women are born with roughly two million eggs within their ovaries. Every month, approximately 11,000 eggs die prior to a girl's adolescence. Thus, during her adolescence, a woman has only roughly 300,000 to 400,000 eggs left. From this point forward, around 1000 eggs are used each month. This is unrelated to any method of pregnancy, hormone production, birth control, lifestyle, health, or nutritional supplements. Menopause occurs when a woman no longer has viable eggs.

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