Dr. Ratul Dutta

Dr. Ratul Dutta -

Infertility Specialist, IVF Specialist

MBBS, MD (OBG), Training in Assisted Reproductive Technology at Institute of Reproductive Medicine at Kolkata, Training in In Vitro Fertilization, Institute of Research of Reproductive Health, Kolkata


Dr. Ratul Dutta is a fertility consultant with 21+ years of experience in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (since 1992) and 17+ years of experience in fertility and reproductive medicine. Dr. Dutta has set-up fertility clinics across Assam and has been the director of a leading fertility clinic and IVF center in Guwahati. He performs fertility enhancing surgeries and is also engaged in research work in different aspects of fertility management. Dr. Ratul Dutta is also an academician and has presented papers and delivered lectures in innumerable seminars, workshops, and conferences. He visited prominent ART centers like Stanford University Medical Center, USA University College Hospital, London and IVI Clinic, Madrid, Spain. His areas of interest includes PCOS, Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, Fertility Enhancing Surgeries, Male Infertility and Advanced Maternal Age.


  • MTFHR (C677t) Polymorphism and PR (PROGINS) Mutation as Genetic Factors for Preterm Delivery, Foetal Death and Low Birth Weight.
  • Delineation of the Chromosomal and Molecular Endocrinological alteration leading to recurrent Pregnancy loss in Northeast Indian patients in association with Cotton University.
  • Alteration in Vitamin D Receptor and resulting differential modulation of key Downstream Cellular Inflammatory and Immunological Effectors in recurrent pregnancy loss cases from Assam.
Nova IVF Fertility, 6th Floor, 195, Dee Tee Tower, Above Pantaloons, Rukminigaon Village, G.S Road, Guwahati-781006

Services Offered by Nova IVF Fertility Centre in Guwahati

The IVF center in Guwahati offers an extensive range of fertility services, meticulously designed to assist you on your path to parenthood. The Guwahati facility is equipped with state-of-the-art laboratories that enable our expert team to employ advanced technologies aimed at enhancing your likelihood of successful treatment.

Here is an overview of the specialised services we provide:

  Own Egg Pregnancy 
Within our facility, patients may opt for treatments that use their own eggs, thereby ensuring the offspring share their genetic makeup. Both ova from the female and sperm from her partner are collected to initiate the fertility process.
  Preliminary Assessments 
For those unfamiliar with fertility treatments, we commence with a comprehensive assessment that could encompass blood tests, ultrasonographic scans, and semen analyses. Should you have undergone previous testing, our medical team can also review the reports to establish a suitable treatment strategy.
  Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) 
This procedure involves the precise placement of specially prepared sperm into the woman's uterus, coordinated with the woman’s ovulatory cycle.
  In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF) 
In this treatment, oocytes from the female are fertilised with sperm from her partner in a controlled laboratory environment. Subsequently, the developed embryos are implanted into the woman's uterus.
  Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) 
This is an advanced technique where a single sperm is directly injected into the woman’s egg, thereby increasing the chances of successful fertilisation.
  Pre-implantation genetic testing (PGT) 
This elective screening is available for couples wishing to examine chromosomal or genetic irregularities in embryos prior to IVF procedures.
  Testicular Sperm Aspiration (TESA) 
The surgical procedure allows couples to directly extract sperm from the testicular tissue, particularly beneficial in cases where the sperm quality is suboptimal or lacking.
  Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA) 
This technique enables the doctor to obtain a sperm sample directly from the epididymis for evaluation of sperm count.
  Magnetic Sperm Sorting (MACS) 
It is a cutting-edge technology that isolates healthy and viable sperm from those that are damaged or undergoing apoptosis. This enhances the sperm quality used in IVF treatments, thus boosting the likelihood of successful fertilisation.
We offer the option to cryogenically preserve eggs, sperm, or embryos for future fertility treatments. The service can benefit individuals and couples considering deferred parenthood for personal or medical reasons.   

Each of the services enlisted above is geared towards maximising your chances of expanding your family and is customised based on a thorough evaluation of your specific needs.
  • MBBS from Gauhati Medical College, Assam
  • MD Obstetrics and Gynaecology from Gauhati Medical College, Assam
  • Training in Assisted Reproductive Technology at Institute of Reproductive Medicine at Kolkata
  • Training in In Vitro Fertilization, Institute of Research of Reproductive Health, Kolkata